Archive for February, 2008

Carried the Message Today

February 11, 2008

Today I carried the message to the Deborah G. Dunsten Center in Mt. Ida, Arkansas. We taught Step #4 to the teens in that facility. We broke down the 4th Step into four parts, learned all about the 3 basics instincts of Self, the Social, Security, and Sex instincts. Also we broke down the instincts into their sub categories. It seemed to be a great step study. 

The Real Value of Your AA Story…by Joey M.

February 6, 2008
AA Recovery    
     The value of speaking has become, to me, an important part of my recovery.   The twelveth step says “Having had a spitritual awakening as a result of these steps we tried to carry this message to alcholics and to practice these prinicples in all of our affairs.”   The focus of today is in carry the message.  Specifically in telling your story.  It has been suggested to me and I have put in to practice telling my story once a month every month.  I havent missed a month in well over a year.   On sat Feb. 9, I will be at the Texoma #1 Group in Denison, Texas
    Telling our story is just one of the many ways we carry the message.  There is no right or wrong way to do this.  There are ways however we should be mindful of.  The big book says on pg.58 “Our stories discclose in a general way what we used to be like, what happened, and what we are like now.”  It says in a general way, the defintion for general:  “dealing with all or the overall, universall aspects of the subject under consideration, esp. without attempting to consider or deal with details or specific aspects.”  To me in a general way means we tou ch briefly without much detail the circumstances of the road we took into recovery.  The grisley details are best left for our fifth step.  We have all heard the speaker who has told a drunk-a-log.  We all know how to drink and use.  We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.  No one wants to hear about this, and more importantly it can trigger a newcomer as well as an oldtimer.  There is no telling what may trigger another but we need to be mindful of what we say.
      When I speak i believe I have a duty to share my experience, strength, and hope.  This duty is to speak more about the solution than the problem, again we all know how to drink.  I have a rule that I try to use no more than 10 to 15 min to tell what it was like and what happend.  I believe I also have a requirement to tell of no one else’s conduct but my own.  I want to get to the solution which for me is the steps.  The program is my solution.  The solution is two fold the fellowship and the steps.  I like to talk about the steps and my experience working through each one.  Again this is in a general way.  Another thing to talk about is sponsorship, about what it means to you.  Having a sponsor has saved me more than I can count.   
      Something elase to be consideredis who may be in attendance.  Saturday night I’m speaking less than 10min from my home town.  My Step mom, dad, grandparents, step sister, and who knows elses willl probably be there.  I have to bemindful that i do not say anything that could cause them harm.  In closing I know how important it is for me to share my experience, strength and hope today.  Before I begin I always hit my knees and ask God to guide my thoughts, my actions, and my words, that i cause no harm and be of service.  The moment I say my name is Joey and I AM an Alcholic he takes over for the father doeth the work.    
By Joey M. Hot Springs, Arkansas
Hear his energetic story this weekend on Sat. Feb. 9, 2008 at the Texoma #1 Group in Denison, Texas